Constitution of the Parkside Animation Club Article 1: Parkside Animation Club Article 2: The purpose of this organization is to prepare members for careers in animation, help its members gain experience in working in a team environment towards a common goal, and help improve member’s skills in the field. Furthermore, this group shall abide by all policies set forth in the UW-Parkside Student Eligibility criteria. Article 3: The Parkside Animation Club shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, age, or sexual orientation in its membership requirements. Article 4: Offices within the Parkside Animation Club. There must be at least 4 officer positions held by UWP students. Officers must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and not on probation, and are required to take a minimum of 6 non-audit credits at UW-Parkside. Article 5: Executive board members must attend every meeting possible. Failure to attend 4 regular meetings without excuse over the course of a semester will result in an immediate vote to remove that member from office. Article 6: Meetings will commence with a summation of the past meeting and guidelines for the current meeting. Members will present tasks accomplished between meetings. Discussion will commence on the progress of current projects and an assignment of projects for the next meeting. Any special meetings can be scheduled following a vote. Attendance at special meetings is not required, but is preferred. Article 7: Quorum is established when a majority of the total members are present. Article 8: Elections will be held every semester within three weeks of the commencement of that semester. Article 9: To amend the constitution a majority vote is required of the total membership.
Bylaws of the Parkside Animation Club Article 1: Members will be required to attend 3 meetings in succession to be required to attain membership. When tasked with a project the member must show some sort of product at the next meeting, unless said member has notified the president of the club at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. To terminate members a two thirds vote of quorum is required. Aritlce 2: The duties of officers are as follows: President - Advises all other jobs. Aids in communication between members, facilitates communication with advisor and the student activities office. Ensures productivity of club, and presents the agenda for each meeting. Article 3: Committees are designated by a majority of quorum and are terminated by a majority of quorum. Article 4: Regular meetings will be held weekly on a date decided by a majority of total membership. Article 5: Quorum is established when a majority of the total members are present. Article 6: Email will be used to contact members to notify the dates and times of meetings and special meetings. In emergency cases phones will be used. Article 7: Elections will be held every semester within three weeks of the beginning of the semester. Nomination for an office will require a motion with a second. The elected officer will be determined by a majority of quorum. A member may be removed from office at any time by self submitted resignation or by a majority vote. Replacement elections will be held during the meeting immediately following the removal. Article 8: The designated fiscal year of the Parkside Animation Club follows the standard fiscal year as used by the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. Article 9: During breaks in the UW Parkside’s academic year, regular meeting attendance will be waived. Special meetings may be called if members deem it necessary. Projects may continue development via the internet only if the involved members fully record and document all progress for presentation when the Parkside Animation Club convenes after the break. Any profit or recognition for projects produced by the Parkside Animation Club belongs solely to the Parkside Animation Club and its members. Recognition for third party individuals or organizations will only be given by a majority vote of quorum. Article 10: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Parkside Animation Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution and any special rules of order the Parkside Animation Club may adopt. Article 11: The bylaws may be amended by a majority of quorum.
Amended November 15, 2006 |